Building a new process or implementing new tools in your existing workflows can be both exciting and daunting. Whether spearheading a research project or leading a team, introducing any new changes should be as streamlined as possible without slowing you down. This holds exceptionally true in omics research where quality assurance (QA) processes of analysis pipelines need to be implemented and evolve at the speed of scientific innovations.
We understand the crucial need to support the development of reproducible and high-quality bioinformatic tools in a way that accelerates novel discoveries. We have built and are continually building Miqa to break down the barriers to software QA in the life sciences, making it easier for research teams to get real-time performance and quality data of their bioinformatic pipelines. Over the past months, we have been working closely with bioinformatic teams from start-ups to pharmaceutical companies to improve the development process and quality of their production pipelines. At the same time, we have been reflecting upon user feedback and implementing new features to improve the user experience on Miqa.
We are so excited to announce the release of Miqa v1.3.0 - An updated version that significantly reduces the learning curve to bioinformatic QA and makes the onboarding process to Miqa much smoother. We are introducing several novel key features that can help bioinformatic teams get their data and pipelines into Miqa more intuitively so that they can kick off their first QA test run as quickly as possible.
Users can now quickly build software tests or compare test outputs of bioinformatic pipeline versions on-demand, with no coding or configuration. This tool also supplies users with built-in metrics for quick comparisons between files, and the ability to both create a new test chain or inherit the assertion protocol from already existing chains.
Users can now quickly and easily upload offline outputs from local test runs of their bioinformatic pipeline versions into the Grid Uploader Tool to view their datasets, versions and results in an intuitive grid. In this grid, users can also kick off executions and get to the Output Explorer providing them a seamless introduction into their analytical QA journey.
Offline upload of local bioinformatic pipeline results through the command line (CLI) is now supported on Miqa. Users who predominantly run their pipelines locally or on private computing infrastructure can easily upload their output data from the command-line for in-depth quality assessment.
Users working with multiple cloud providers can now integrate with these different providers in a single Miqa instance, allowing them to perform assessment and analysis on different cloud computing environments simultaneously, and seamlessly switch between them while performing QA tasks.